Ongoing, CCF is seeking donations to meet the greatest needs in the community. Click What you can do to learn more.
On March 20, 2020, with the support of several local funders, CCF launched the Rapid Response Grants Fund to provide emergency support for local nonprofit organizations and ensure continuity of service to the community. CCF has distributed $200,000 from this fund so far.
On March 23, 2020, CCF shifted to remote operations:
- Our staff is maintaining normal business hours remotely: Monday to Thursday 9am - 5pm and Friday 9am - 1pm. Staff members will return calls and emails throughout the day, though there may be a delay.
- Donor advised grants will be paid weekly.
- Other grants and scholarships will be paid promptly.
- Gifts by check or stock will be acknowledged by mail weekly. Gifts online will be acknowledged automatically by email.
- Nonprofit organizations and students, please check the website monthly for information on additional funding available.
- As always, we are available to help donors design your charitable legacy and support your favorite causes. Contact Cameron Sims Cameron@CumberlandCF.Org for assistance.
On March 26, 2020, in collaboration with Cumberland County Schools, Cumberland Community Foundation established the CCS Fund for Emergency Student Needs to support the emergency needs of students of Cumberland County Schools, including but not limited to tools necessary to learn at home (Chromebooks, internet access, mobile hot spots in neighborhoods), emergency assistance for food and clothing, and other support for students in need. As of April 9, 2020, the community has donated over $75,000.
On April 3, 2020, CCF joined a collaboration with the City of Fayetteville, Cumberland County, Fayetteville Cumberland Economic Development Corporation (FCEDC), Center for Economic Empowerment and Development (CEED), The Cool Spring Downtown District, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Convention and Visitors Bureau to measure the economic impact of COVID-19 on Cumberland County’s business and employer community. The economic impact survey will inform recovery efforts and aid for a variety of business sectors. Take the survey - Click here.
On August 28, 2020, CCF announced $400,000 in CCF 40th Anniversary Grants to fourteen high performing grantees. These general support grants are an investment in the missions of these organizations and the quality of life in Cumberland County, NC.
Email sent on March 13, 2020:
Dear Friends,
We are fortunate to be part of this caring community. The needs of local nonprofits, students, donors, volunteers, and our employees remain a top priority. Here is a quick update on Cumberland Community Foundation’s response to COVID-19.
Response: CCF is prepared and ready to ensure that charitable giving in our community continues stronger than ever during this time of need. We are waiting to develop a fund to receive gifts, as we are still assessing the unmet needs. More to come on that later this month.
Information: We will provide additional updates and recommendations in the coming days and weeks via e-mail, our website, and Facebook.
Offices: Due to recommendations for social-distancing, CCF’s offices will be closed to the public beginning March 16, 2020. All CCF staff will be working and available by email or phone during normal business hours. (Monday through Thursday 9AM–5PM, Friday 9AM–1PM). Both on-site and off-site meetings will be rescheduled or converted to phone or video meetings. (Our staff will contact previously scheduled attendees to notify them of these changes.)
Fundholders: Grants submitted by donor advised fundholders will be processed on the normal schedule. We remain available to assist you by phone or email with questions about your funds, statements, and grants.
Donors: Online giving continues via our website – Our online grants catalog is open for donors to “shop” and give to special programs –
Students: CCF’s scholarship program will continue as scheduled –
Grantees: Be assured that grant payments will be made as scheduled.
Ways to help:
· Please continue to support small businesses and individuals whose income depend on direct services. Their financial state is often fragile. You can help.
· Please continue to support local nonprofit organizations that work with vulnerable residents and also provide quality of life services. Many of these organizations provide essential services with the funds they raise from their special events which are now being canceled. Yet, the community still needs their services.
· Please keep you and those in your community safe by closely monitoring updates and accessing health and safety resources from the State of North Carolina, the Centers for Disease Control, the NC Department of Health and Human Services, and the Cumberland County Department of Public Health.
A special message to our nonprofit partners:
· We understand that the effects of COVID-19 will be far-reaching. We know that you have lost revenue due to canceled fundraising events. You are struggling to pay your existing staff members that manage your essential programs. You are expecting an increased demand for your services with fewer resources available.
· Please know that we are strategizing with community leaders and other funders on a response to support community nonprofits, and we will be back in contact as soon as those plans emerge.
· Meanwhile, please check the helpful resource developed by the NC Center for Nonprofits – Nonprofit Pandemic Resources .
We will share additional information as we have more information about the needs in the community. We appreciate your support during this difficult time.