Here is what you can expect from us when you give a gift of any kind or size to Cumberland Community Foundation.
We have an unparalleled base of knowledge and connections built through over forty years of community involvement. We apply this knowledge to ensure your gift is used the way you want it to be used, and that the issues, causes and community you care about are supported.
We lead through collaboration and partnerships. This enables us to better leverage resources and achieve more than if we work in isolation.
We make community investments in nonprofits that are addressing immediate community needs, as well as those looking for long-term solutions to persistent challenges. Since 1980, we have awarded more than $59 million in support for programs that support the arts and cultural infrastructure, prepare children for success in school, develop community opportunities, improve the environment, help people meet their basic human needs, and enhance community prosperity. This is all thanks to the thousands of donors who have supported our work over the years.
For more information, giving instructions, example donor forms, or the gift acceptance policy, please contact:
Mary Holmes, President/CEO, 910-483-4449 x103 or Mary@CumberlandCF.Org
Mary Anne Brooks, CFO, x106 or MaryAnne@CumberlandCF.Org