In 2008, 14 women came together to form the Women’s Giving Circle of Fayetteville (now the Women’s Giving Circle of Cumberland County - WGCCC).
The women with vastly different backgrounds and skill sets established the following mission: Women’s Giving Circle of Cumberland County seeks to build and encourage philanthropy in women, engage all generations and encourage women to be more intentional with their giving.
In 2009, WGCCC awarded its first grants in the amount of $26,000.
Since that date, more than $821,000 in grants have been awarded. WGCCC now has more than 135 members and is growing every day.
From the very beginning, the organization embarked on a journey to better understand the challenges, needs and health status of women and children in Cumberland County. The members gathered and compiled data and resources about women and girls from statistics published by a range of federal, state and county agencies, as well as public, private, and non-profit organizations. In 2009, the Women’s Giving Circle released its first Scorecard of data related to the status of women and children in Cumberland County highlighting three basic need areas (food, shelter, and healthcare).
The WGCCC has been consistent in making grant award decisions by focusing on the basic needs of women and children in our community, as highlighted by the Scorecard research, which is conducted every other year. This approach is intentionally holistic and provides members with year-over-year tracking of key data for each focus area. This keeps the membership informed so they can make educated decisions/allocations in a way that has the greatest impact in areas that have the greatest needs. Additionally, members learn about other nonprofit organizations in the community who are working to make a difference in the lives of others.
Why Our Members Joined
“Ronald Reagan said ‘There is no limit to the amount of good you can do if you don't care who gets the credit.’ I joined the Women’s Giving Circle because I like the anonymity of the group. Giving to those in need is something you do from your heart, not for others to know about.”
“As a new resident of Fayetteville, I immediately sought ways to utilize my time, talent, and resources to make a meaningful impact on my chosen community. The Women’s Giving Circle provides the opportunity to engage with like-minded women who share a commitment to service, philanthropic giving,and improving the lives of women and children in Cumberland County. After speaking with several members, reviewing community scorecards, and better understanding the true impact of the organization, I felt compelled to join. The power of our collective giving is REAL and will make a huge difference in the lives of many women and children for years to come.”