With each new member, our circle grows stronger, and our ability to make a difference in the lives of women and children in Cumberland County expands. It's like blowing up a balloon. The first puff makes it bigger, but as you keep going, each puff makes it even bigger than the last one.
All women are invited to join the Women’s Giving Circle. A formal invitation is NOT required.
There are three (3) types of membership:
• Regular member: An annual commitment of $550 for a minimum of three years.
• Junior member: (ages 18-40) Annual dues of $275 + active committee participation.
• Lifetime member: One gift of $12,000 (payable by check, stock, donor advised fund, or Qualified Charitable IRA distribution) or three annual gifts of $4,000.
How is the money used?
The $550 annual gift is used as follows: $400 is immediately placed in the grantmaking fund; $100 is placed in the endowment; and $50 is added to the circle’s operating expense fund. (Junior dues of $275: $250 in the grantmaking fund, $25 in the endowment)
What else is expected of members?
All members are invited to be as involved as they wish; we have no member participation requirements or time constraints. Every member votes on proposed grants. (Note the Junior Member requirement of committee participation above.) Committees include: Evaluation, Events, Grants, Marketing, and Membership.

Forms for the WGC: